February 06, 2006

"They Are Treating People Here like Arabs"

An excellent article from Haaretz today summed up the Israeli settlement movement

For almost 40 years they have been enjoying an ongoing supply of political and economic support, military protection and legal backing. And then one fine day, without prior warning, someone decided to turn off the faucet.

But the settlement project is approaching a tipping point - they are starting to lose the support of the Israeli public.

Maybe a red line has been crossed at Amona, as the settlers fought in defiance of a Supreme Court Order. The settlers certainly absorb alot of government money considering that they only recognise the law when it suits them.

One Australian activist has noticed the change :
People have told me "only a few years ago settlers were still seen as
heroes" now it seems to be a selling point in the election who can be most
harsh to the settlers

You can tell that the settlers are worried - one leader complained that the gobvernment had

"They are treating people here like Arabs"

Israeli MP Arieh Eldad, Israeli Radio, February 2 2006

No they're not - if you were treated like Arabs you'd be dead.