February 03, 2006

"The Bulldozer" hits Bethlehem!

My fiancee Richelle was so moved by her experience in Israel / Palestine that she signed up for a 10 week internship at the Israeli Committee against Housing Demolitions, in Jerusalem, starting January 2006.

After a week in Jerusalem Richelle visited Bethlehem to check on the land. This is what she found :

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The settler is gone, but so is the house !

The neighbours confirmed that Israeli bulldozers demolished the house 1 week previously. We made the news :

IMEMC & Agencies - Monday, 16 January 2006, 17:21
Israeli bulldozers demolished on Monday morning a Palestinian housing building at the
northern entrance of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, near Rachel's Tomb.The
Jerusalem municipality alleged that this building was built without building
permit, soldiers blocked the area and prevented the residents from approaching
the building, local sources reported.Residents denied the alleged absence of
building permit and said that this demolition is part of the Israeli policy to
control the Bethlehem area.