February 06, 2006

"We take the land first and the law comes after"

Teddy Kolleck,
Mayor of Jerusalem, 1965 to 1993

This is especially so in East Jerusalem. Israel has turned it into an art form - and now I am in the middle of it.

Now the London Guardian has spelt it out :

Bollens says about 40% of East Jerusalem is designated as a green zone, but that
this is really a mechanism for land transfer. "The government calls it a
green zone to stop Palestinians building homes there, and then when the
government wants to develop an area [as Jewish] it lifts that green zoning
miraculously and it becomes a development place."

"Worlds Apart",The Guardian, February 6, 2006

So the progression is :

Palestinian Land becomes "Green Zone"

=> Palestinians not allowed to build

=> Triggers Absentee Property Law

=> Formal Appropriation by Israel

=> "Development Plan" (for Jews Only)

=> "Facts on the Ground"

=> Hemmed in Bantustans


That is the only place this is leading - two separate, communities living in the same state, only one of which has citizenship and effective property rights.

Israel hates the comparison, but as the two state solution dies its slow sad death people are starting to notice :

Ronnie Kasrils on Israeli Apartheid

Yet let me declare without hyperbole that the violence of the apartheid regime,
as inhuman as it was, "was a picnic" (in the words of Archbishop Desmond
Tutu) in comparison with the utter brutality of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Ronnie Kasrils MP
(Jewish) Minister for Intelligence, Republic of South Africa